Looking for Leica Repairs USA? Here’s our list of 8 most used Leica repair shops that Leica owners like you send their cameras to get fixed. Also includes CLA estimates when available.

Send to Leica?

If you are looking to get your Leica camera repaired in the USA, why not sent it in to Leica USA? For a few reasons. First of all they only service modern Leicas so if you have an older film one, they probably won’t touch it. Second is the price, it is the most expensive but so are their huge turnaround time.

Leica repairs USA list

Here’s all the places you can send your Leicas to get repaired. Please note that the time for repairs can vary depending on the amount of backlog they have.

Don Goldberg (DAG Gamera)

Oregon, Wisconsin

dag camera map
DAG camera location | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location2128 Vintage Drive, Oregon, WI 53575 USA
🔧 CLA Estimate$485
🌐 Sitehttps://www.dagcamera.com/
📞 Phone608-835-3342
📧 Emaildagcam@chorus.net

Most call him DAG, one of the highest names when it comes to Leica camera repairs USA.

Well, color me extremely satisfied and let me say that Don Goldberg over at DAG camera repair is a miracle worker. -Rpavich
Don fixed a focusing problem on my Summicron 50mm a little while back! Great service, over all great guy! -Marwin
DAG has been for me the best lens repair person. He is always polite to me and very responsive when I ask about my lenses. The last job was converting a Zeiss Hologon 16/8 from G to M mount. -Raid Amin
Don Goldberg is a treasure – honest, high-quality work and fair pricing. I only hope he doesn’t get too busy and works another 20 years. Props to Don. User “B-A-C”

Youxin Ye (YYE Camera)

Canton, Massachusetts

Youxin ye leica repair
YYE Camera location | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location1135 Randolph St, Canton, MA
📷 RepairsLeicas, Hasselblads and other cameras
🔧 CLA Estimate$200 – $280
🌐 Sitehttp://yyecamera.com
📞 Phone781-830-9141
📧 Emailwye7@yahoo.com

Youxin is one of the most well known and revered Leica repairmen.

He’s been my go-to for over ten years. The service times have gotten a little longer, but I don’t mind the wait. -Therovstory
He’s an all star. I was able to go to him and actually visit his place when I had my repairs done. Super nice and fast great work. – Burt Evans
Youxin’s awesome… Hes done several cameras for me, including a 1931 Leica Standard… We even sent in a Leica 50 1.2 that was full of fungus that came into work and it came out phenomenally.- Gotswoe

Gus Lazzari (TLC Camera Repair)

High Point North Carolina

TCl camera repair map
TLC Camera repair | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location4554 Chestnut Street Ext. High Point, NC 27265-8642
🔧 CLA Estimate$425
🌐 Sitehttp://tlccamerarepair.homestead.com
📞 Phone336-307-2126
📧 Emailthegreatgus@gmail.com

Lev Gutman (Baltimore Photo Electronic Services)

Baltimore, Maryland

maryland repair shop
BPE location | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location 1726 Reisterstown Rd #107, Pikesville, MD 21208
📷 RepairsLeicas, Hasselblads and other cameras
🔧 CLA EstimateNA
🌐 SiteYelp
📞 Phone410-484-2345
📧 EmailNA

Doesn’t do email much, better call instead. “Lev has helped me keep numerous Classic Cameras working and taking great photos since I started shooting in the early 2000’s. ” -Johnny M.

Frank Marshman (Camerawiz)

Harrisonburg, Virginia

virginia repair location
Camerawiz Location | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location1495 Needmore Ln, Harrisonburg, VA 22802
📷 RepairsLeicas, Hasselblads and other cameras
🔧 CLA EstimateNA
🌐 SiteFacebook
📞 Phone(540) 867-9671
📧 Emailcamerawiz@msn.com

The guy that Associate Press photographer, Vince Lupo trusts with his old and rare Leica gear.

“Frank has done many gears for me in the past year. His service is top notch and priced reasonably.” CrisWY

Steve Choi (Steve Camera Repair)

Culver City, California

Steve Camera repair | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location4355 Sepulveda Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90230
📷 RepairsLeicas, Hasselblads and other cameras
🔧 CLA Estimate$645 + $50 parts fee
🌐 Sitewww.stevecamera.com
📞 Phone310-97-0072
📧 Emailrepairs@stevecamera.com

It’s not you, there is a disproportionate amount of repair shops for Leica cameras in the EAST coast. Steve Choi is one of the few ones that will repair your Leica. He’s been in business since 1962 and is a Leica and Hasselblad authorized repairman.

“Sent a 70 year old leica lens. They restored the lens as if it’s new. Highly recommend. One must wait for a long repair though. Art takes time.” – Sean S
“Used him several times, always had a good experience. – Jeff
“I have had repairs done by Steve Choi. He is excellent!” Chmilar

Kurt Camera Repair

San Diego, California

Kurt Camera repair | Leica repairs USA
📍 Location7811 Mission Gorge Road, #E, San Diego, CA 92120
📷 RepairsLeicas and other cameras
🔧 CLA EstimateNA
🌐 Sitehttp://www.kurtscamerarepair.com/
📞 Phone(888) 673-7811
📧 Emailkurtscamerarepair@sbcglobal.net

The other choice if you are in the West coast for Leica Repairs USA. While this will take Leica, they also repair other manufacturers and are factory authorized by many of them.

“I’ve known Kurt and many of his techs since 1976, when I was selling photographic equipment downstairs at Camera World. Kurt was a European opto-mechanical genius and held very high standards, while offering prices we photographers could manage. Mike has followed in this tradition and, today, is one of the premiere repair and maintenance centers in the United States. I’ve been a photographer, man and boy, since 1940 and have never had a piece of equipment fail that Kurt’s massaged.” -Robert E. Andrews

Sherry Krauter (Golden Touch)

Orange County, New York

golden touch repair
📍 Location118 Purgatory Rd, Campbell Hall, NY 10916
🔧 CLA Estimate$375
🌐 Sitehttp://www.sherrykrauter.com/
📞 Phone845-496-8834
📧 EmailNA

Sherry is one of the few women in the Leica repair business. She has been trained by Leica in the 70s and her “Golden touch” is well known in Leica circles.

But that seemed to be before. While she had a lot of respect in the community, a lot of people now resent her for serious lack of communication and extreme turnaround time.


I hope you enjoyed this article about Leica repairs USA edition. Long story short if you have a problem, the first guy I’d call is Don from DAG camera, he’s the one that would probably get it fixed for you.