One of the best reasons for shooting Leica is the amount of support you get. The CL is no different. Here are the best 5 must-have Leica CL accessories you can get right now to add even more mojo to an already great camera.

Hi my name is Sven and here is the list of the best Leica CL accessories you can get for your camera.

5 Leica CL accessories

NameAccessory TypeGet it here:
1. Leica M to LAdapter Check Price
2. Leica handgrip CLErgonomics Check Price
3. Leica fingerloopErgonomics Check Price
4. Artisan & Artisan half caseCase Check Price
5. Leica Thumbsupport CLErgonomics Check Price

Now that we’ve seen the overview of the best Leica CL accessories, here’s detail about each:

1. Leica M adapter L

One of the best Leica CL accessories

Leica M adapter L
Reasons to buyCons
+ Thin build
+ M lenses look good on CL
+ Decades of lenses
– Needs M lenses
– Crop factor

Let’s get something out of the way, the L lenses are some of Leicas finest. But if you have a collection of M lenses or want to get into the M lenses, this is the ultimate Leica CL accessory you can get.

You are getting exactly what you would be getting in terms of image quality if you put this on an M10 as the Leica CL has the same Maoestro engine powering it up. Plus since the CL is a mirrorless camera you have live view and see exactly what you will get right in the viewfinder.

Yes, there is the crop factor issue, all of the lenses will be x1.5. So a 28mm will end up being like a 42mm, but if you like your images less wide, this really helps. Plus chances are you already have the 18mm TL bundled when you got your CL so you should have wide angles covered.

The feeling of using the M lenses are just like an M rangefinder but with live-view of course. The Leica CL is modeled after the M cameras and the experience is pretty similar making this adapter one of the best Leica CL accessories you can get and immediately open up your camera to hundreds of lenses.

2. Leica Handgrip CL

A must-have Leica CL accessory

leica handgrip CL
Reasons to buyCons
+ Makes the camera better to hold
+ Better for slower speeds
+ Excellent ergonomics
+ Screw for loop
– Should have been there in the first place
– Blocks bottom

Leica makes some of the best cameras in the world. They all have one flaw: The font. It is always flat and that makes the camera uncomfortable to hold in the front. Even the Fuji x100, which took inspiration on the old Leicas made sure that there’s a grip in the front.

That is why one of the best Leica CL accessories you can get is the grip. Yes it will block the bottom, so if you want battery and card you need to remove it. But it is easily removed and the boost in ergonomics is more than worth it.

There’s two reasons why you want a grip. First it makes the camera that much better to use and shoot, without you being afraid of dropping it. But a more practical reason is that a better grip leads to a steady hand. So you can now shoot at slower shutter speeds without any problems.

This is not all, there is a little screw hole that allows you to put another Leica CL accessory, see next.

3. Leica Fingerloop

The accessory for the Handgrip CL

leica handgrip CL fingerloop
Reasons to buyCons
+ Never drop your camera
+ Even more secure grip
– Needs the grip
– Should have been part of the grip

One of the best accessories you can get for any Leica is the fingerloop. It is such a great idea that I wonder if Leica doesn’t have a patent on it, because other companies do not have this. This is THE Leica CL accessory to get, but you need the grip in the first place.

While the grip has you covered in terms of keeping your hand steady, this cranks up the security. No need for a strap to secure your camera, if you open your hands this will keep your camera from falling.

Once you add the comfort of the grip + the security of the fingerloop, you have one of the best ergonomic upgrades you can get, that is why this is one of the best Leica CL accessories.

4. Artisan & Artist Leica CL Half Case

Carry your camera in style

Artisan Artist leica cl case
Reasons to buyCons
+ Stylish leather
+ Some protection
+ Always ready
+ Battery compartment
+ built-in grip
– Minimal protection
– Not for grip accessory

This is a great Leica CL accessory that does 3 things: It protects your camera, adds a grip to it AND makes it even more stylish. It is only minimal protection and the grip isn’t as good as a dedicated one but this looks really stylish.

This is not compatible with the grip and hand loop above, so if you are looking for one Leica CL accessory that does it all, this is it. The half cases protect your camera from little bumps, but the reason for one is that the camera is always ready to shoot for those spur of the moment photographs.

This case gets even better once you realize that you do not need to remove it to have access to your camera’s battery and SD card as it has a removable flap on the bottom, making this not only one of the best Leica CL accessories but also one of the most versatile.

5. Leica Thumb support CL

One of the smallest Leica CL accessories with a big impact

leica thumbsupport cl
Reasons to buyCons
+ Increase comfort
+ increased grip
+ better for slower shutter speeds
– NA

There’s only two kinds of photographers in the world: Those who use a thumbgrip, and those who don’t. Once you have a thumb support, you can’t go back. A camera’s design is linked to the hand, and the better the camera can mold to the hand, the better the experience of shooting will be.

This is one of the smallest Leica CL accessories you can get that will improve the ergonomics and help you shoot with a steadier hand. The effect is magnified if you also have the front grip. The Leica CL thumb support gives your thumb a place to rest and helps you keep your images charp when you shoot at slower shutter speeds.


I hope you enjoyed this article about Leica CL accessories. The best are the adapter and the front grip with loop. Or you could get the Half case that has a grip built in, but it is of course not as good as the dedicated one. Add the thumb rest and you have cranked up your camera’s ergonomics to the moon, helping you shoot razor sharp images at slower shutter speeds. Happy shooting.

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