If you are looking for Leica X2 landscape photography, here’s a review with image samples of how this camera performs for landscapes.

Landscape photography is usually reserved for the “big guns” but since the X2 has a large sensor, it too is capable of shooting great landscapes if you are willing to get around a few points.

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Leica X2 camera front

Leica X2 Landscape photography review

While the Leica X2 is more suited to street photography, it is also a very capable landscape camera. Let’s get into what makes the X2 great or not great with landscape photography.

The portable package

The Leica X2 has a large APSC sensor inside with none of the bulk, if you like to shoot landscapes you can go ahead and pack light, just a tripod and you are good to go. The X2 is notorious for having excellent image quality and it shows.

The Leica glow

Does bigfoot exist? Does the Leica glow exist? For some yes, and for some no. The images coming out of the Leica X2 under the right conditions have a certain je-ne-sais-quoi about them that render beautifully sharp images that, well, glow due to the sharp lens and camera processing.

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Getting around the filter issue

If you look at the front of the Leica X2, since it has a point-and-shoot type lens there is no way to attach an ND filter for some slow shutter speed action. But there is a workaround.

The front ring of the Leica X2 can be unscrewed and instead of something like an auto lens cap, you can put in a tube that you can attach ND or other filters to. This is great for landscape photographers that need their filters.

The only downside is, the tube being external, it does not retract so it adds a bit of bulk, but still a far cry from a full sized landscape kit.

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The cable release issue

The issue with Leica X2 landscape photography is that the shutter release button of the camera has no screw for remote release cables and Leica never released an actual electronic cable for the camera either. And since the X2 was released before the wi-fi app craze where you can operate your camera with your phone, if you want to do slow shutter speeds you are in a bind. At least it looks like it.

The good news is you can get a little metal accessory that attaches to your X2 and then you can add a mechanical shutter release to your X2. Or, since the problem is vibrations while you push the shutter release down…the simple, no extras needed solution is to simply delay your shot for 2 seconds.

Simply but delayed shooting on the X2 and press the shutter release button. Once you remove your finger, all of the micro vibrations will be over and in 2 seconds, the shake free shot will be taken.

Beautiful colors

The images straight out of the camera, powered by the Leica image processor produces some really stunning results. The images are sharp but the colors are saturated without going overboard. This creates usable landscape images right out of the camera.

Leica X2 Landscape photography is easy if you like your images good enough without having to process them.

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The 35mm lens

The biggest hurdle against Leica X2 Landscape photography has to be the focal length. While the lens is a 24mm, with the multiplication factor of the APSC sensor of 1.5, the focal length effectively is a (24×1.4=) 36mm. Or 35mm for all intents and purposes. It’s not like you will ever be able to make the difference between 35 and 36mm.

Landscape photography is usually shot at even wider angles from 15mm to 28mm, but that doesn’t mean you cannot do great Leica X2 Landscape photography. You will not be able to do the sweeping vista type of shot, but you can have beautiful, intimate landscapes that are more about a subject than the vista itself.

So for Leica X2 Landscape photography, the camera is not the issue, it’s the lens because the focal length might be an issue for some.

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The RAW files

For those interested in Leica X2 landscape photography you’ll want to know that the camera supports RAW files. It outputs the well supported DNG format but what you really need to know is that since the camera has good dynamic range both in the highlights and shadows, you have a lot of wiggle room to post process your images.

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Manual focus

In order to do Leica X2 Landscape photography you have the choice between auto and manual focus. Landscape photographers love to put their cameras on manual in order to fine tune the focus.

Unlike most cameras this size, the Leica X2 supports manual focus. Simply push the up on the back area and you have access to manual mode. You can then use the dial in order to focus. It has magnification so you can always know what is in focus before you shoot.

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Black and white

As stated above the X2 is quite good at post processing and dynamic range. If you are into black and whites, the camera is a treat. You can see how it handles the custom black and white settings in Lightroom below.

Since you can attach filters on the X2 with the extra tube accessory you can also do this with a red filter, or bring your whole filter collection for that matter! You can see some very slight separation between the tree trunk and the blue sky, this is excellent because you wouldn’t normally see it unless you are looking for it. So it’s a big thumbs up for Black and white Leica X2 landscape photography.

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So how’s Leica X2 Landscaphe photography? The combination of sharp lens and large APSC sensor make it a winner. If you do not mind the less than wide 35mm-ish lens, this is an excellent mini kit to make some stunning images.

The screen isn’t the greatest by modern standard but the images more than make up for it when you see your beautiful images on the computer. Overall if you want to decide your purchase on Leica X2 Landscape photography, the real question is, are you ok with the focal length.

If that’s a yes then the X2 is nothing short of a steal with great dynamic range in the RAW files and immediately usable JPGs.

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