Got a Leica fan in your life you want to please? Here are 8 best Leica gifts you can get them, ranging from the cheap to expensive. All of these are easy to get and will make a lasting and positive impression on anyone who receives them.

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It’s pretty easy to please a Leica fan, all you need to know is that they love the German camera brand. We love anything that says Leica on it, and extra points go to the gifts that only someone into Leica would appreciate like the first choice.

Part of gifting is surprise and many of the gifts below are on the obvious side, but there are many that will create genuine surprise and gratefulness because you went the extra mile to find out what can truly please Leica fans.

Here’s the list of Leica gifts you can get that are guaranteed to please below:

1. Minox Digital Classic M3

One of the best Leica gifts for the hardcore Leica fan

Minox digital classic m3

Let’s get something out of the way first: No, this is NOT an official Leica product. It’s by Minox and it is a replica of the Leica M3 and it is one of those Leica gifts that are sure to bring a smile. The look of the camera is spot on with the little viewfinder and even the shutter speed dial.

It comes in a beautiful wooden box so the presentation is really excellent and gift-ready. It is on the pricey side but will make your Leica fan really happy. The Leica M3 is a well regarded Leica camera and beloved by many, the fact that this is a replica that actually works and is cute really makes this one of the best Leica gifts you can get.

It is for sure a toy camera when it comes to image quality, but it brings out a certain joy when using it.

2. Magnum Contact Sheets

One of the best books for photography lovers

magnum contact sheets

Leica and magnum photographers go a long way. A lot of the photographers that work for Magnum have used or use Leicas, so a great gift is this book of the contact sheets by Magnum photographers.

Instead of showing you the final image that everyone sees, this books shows you the images before and after the winning images for an unapparelled behind the scenes view. This is a book adored by photographers and since many of them used Leicas, this is one of the best Leica gifts you can get your Leica fan.

3. Leica Soft Release / Pin

One of the smallest Leica gifts you can get

leica accessory soft release edited

If you are looking for Leica gifts that are small, this is it. A soft release is a small screw that attaches to the camera’s shutter release button. It is used for customization, and helps reduce camera shake. It’s a very thoughtful gift for your Leica fan.

The only thing is you need to make sure that they have a camera that supports a soft release, the question is…do they have a Leica M camera. If the answer is yes, then this is a great gift. If no…you can still get it for them as this screws on the camera shutter release button but it also comes with a back so it can be used as a pin.

Which one should you get? Probably the red one with the Leica logo.

4. Leica Mug

One of the most useful Leica gifts

Leica mug

If you want one of the Leica gifts that don’t break the bank, this is it: A Leica mug! Leica fans love the brand and would love a mug with their Logo on it. Here’s how it works: You put in your favorite drink in there, take the handle, bring the mug to your mouth, and you drink.

Obvious much? Sorry for the sarcasm here, I need to feel this space about a mug. All of the other Leica gifts have a few paragraphs and the Leica mug needs a few paragraphs filled too!

Anyway, the best Leica mug is the one that says Leica in black or white. This is not the new logo but the very old one, so it will really warm the heart of your Leica fan.

5. Leica shirt

Show off the love

leica shirt

Another great gift is simply a shirt. As long as you know the size, this if one of the Leica gifts that is hard not to like.

There’s plenty of those around so which one should you get? Once again you cannot go wrong with the Leica logo on black or white shirt. Both of the red dot logo and the Signature type logos are the official logos and either are sure to please.

6.  Leica Leather System Case

One of the more useful Leica gifts

Leica Leather System Case

If you want a Leica gift that really makes an impression, this is it. First things first, you don’t need to know what camera they have, all Leicas will fit in this bag. It has a beautiful classic design, has the Leica logo in front and is designed by Audi, yes the automarker.

This bag will probably carry all of their kit and inside has removable padding so they can move things around and make this bag their own. The bag is beautiful and is one of the Leica gifts they won’t believe you got it for them.

7. Leica camera strap

An always-in-need gift

Leica d lux 7 handstrap edited

When it comes to Leica gifts one of the best thing you can give is simply accessories for their cameras. One they will always need is a strap. Leica makes beautiful leather straps that go well with any camera.

The one I recommend here is the Leica D-Lux strap as one of the Leica gifts you can give. No there is no compatibility issue, all Leicas have strap holes and those are some of the best. Made out of leather it is comfortable to use and has the Leica logo on it.

There’s a little latch that secures their camera so that they never drop it. The recommendation here is the black strap but if you know their tastes, there are many colors available.

8. Leica Keychain

The cheapest of the Leica gifts

leica keychain

Leica cameras are expensive and if you looked at this list of Leica gifts, accessories are too! What if you want to please your Leica fan but don’t want to break the bank? This is the best gift.

Keychains are a sure fire gift and when it comes to Leica fans they LOVE their Leica logos. So get them a Keychain with the logo on it. The recommended one is the one that reads LEICA in red, but sometimes it is hard to get your hands on, so the one with the red circle logo is great too.


I hope you have been inspired by this list of best Leica gifts. If money is no issue, the Minox Digital Classic M3 or the Leica bag really stands out in terms of thoughtfulness. For the more intellectual, the Magnum Contact sheets book. If you know they shoot an M camera, the soft release is both a useful acessory and a pin. Lastly other surefire gifts are straps, shirts and mugs.

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