Confused about the selection of Leica cameras available? It can be quite confusing! In this Leica camera models explained article let’s look at all of the offerings from Leica and figure out what makes them special.
Hi, I’m Seven the Leicaphile and here are all Leica camera models explained. It can get a bit confusing as, well, Leica is a company that has been around for about 100 years (when it comes to cameras). So keeping that in mind, let’s dig right in.

Leica camera models explained
The best way to start an article about Leica camera models explained is to divide it by sections of cameras. Let’s look at each camera line one by one.
1. Leica M line: Rangefinders
1.1 The latest model: M10
If someone talks about Leica cameras, they are most likely referring to the digital M mount cameras. These are manual rangefinders that have been around for decades. While the latest models are digital, they are still manual focus cameras and the most well known Leica cameras.
There’s a few versions of this so make sure to check out the Leica M10 versions guide.
1.2. Leica M8 / M9

The current line of M10 digital rangefinders have superseded the Leica M8 and M9 line and a few others. But these are still being sought after and used to this day.
1.3. Leica M film cameras

Leica stopped producing film M cameras after the Leica M7. The M8 is the first digital M. But the pre-M8 film cameras are still sought after to this day just like their digital counterparts.
Many consider the Leica M6 as their “Forever camera” to say everything about the staying power of Leicas. The M6 is one of the most durable Leicas ever made and it might even outlive you, Leica lenses are worth it for that same reason.
1.4. Pre M rangefinders

Before the Leica M3, the first M camera, yes it started with the M3, there was the pre M leicas like the Leica III, these do not yet have the iconic look of the Ms and are small rangefinders.
2. Leica Q line: Between old and new

Next our Leica camera models explained article is the Q line. The Leica Q are relatively new cameras that have taken the world by storm. It is essentially a M mount camera with a fixed auto-focus lens. Just like the M line, the sensor is full frame so you have tremendous image quality and the lens is superb. The current model is the Leica Q2, and has an upgraded sensor and weather sealing compared to the original Leica Q.
3. Leica made compact cameras
3.1. CL/TL2 cameras: APSC interchangeable lens Leicas
These are modern Leica mirrorless cameras. Unlike their older M brother, these are APSC sensor cameras with autofocus lenses. They are smaller than M cameras but also much more affordable. Many actually preffer these to the M cameras. They came in two varients:
The Leica CL takes after the M series of cameras and has a classic look
The Leica TL2 is made out of a solid block of aluminum and has a modern look
The Leica TL has a screen-based operation and omits a viewfinder. So if you want one you will need the Visoflex Leica accessory. Make sure you update the firmware before hand as this can brick your camera.
Interestingly, the Leica SL camera and the CL/TL cameras have the same L mount and can swap lenses. All of the lenses will work on the CL/TL however while they will also work on the SL DSLR, there will be a crop because while all these cameras share the mount, some of them are designed for APSC sensors and others full frame.
3.2. The TL series
The ancestor of the TL2 is the original TL and the even older Leica T. All of them feature mostly touchscreen operation and the same mount.
3.3. The X series

Let’s move on our Leica camera models explained article with one of the best vintage digital Leicas you can get, the X series. The Leica X were series of fixed lens, aspc sensor cameras that had either prime lenses or zoom lenses. Extremely compact it is like a fixed lens Leica CL.
Name | Sensor Size | Lens Info (35mm eq) | Get it here: |
Leica X1 | ASPC | 36mm f/2.8 | Check on ebay |
Leica X2 | ASPC | 36mm f/2.8 | Check on ebay |
Leica X Vario | ASPC | 28-70mm f/3.5-6.4 | Check on ebay |
Leica X (Typ 113) | ASPC | 35mm f/1.7 | Check on ebay |
Leica X-U | APSC | 35mm f/1.7 | Check on ebay |
These are the best alternatives to the current Leica CL cameras but they are fixed lenses. The vario variant is on the slow side, and the one to get is the last model, the Leica X (Typ 113) as it has a faster lens. The X-U is nearly identical but can go underwater.
- Which one to get: Leica X (Typ 113)
Leica Partnership cameras
Next up our all Leica camera models explained article is the -Lux series. These are a series of cameras developed with partnerships with Panasonic. What’s special about this line is that the cameras are inconsistent, some are point and shoot and some are interchangeable.
For each of these cameras there is a Panasonic equivalent without the Leica branding and looks, but the Panasonics still have the Leica name on the lenses. Lastly these are mass produced by Panasonic and not made by Leica themselves.
Leica Digilux series
Name | Camera Type | Sensor size | Lens Info (35mm eq) | Get it here: |
Leica Digilux 1 | Point and shoot | 1/1.8″ | 33-100mm f/2-2.5 | Check Price |
Leica Digilux 2 | DSLR | 4/3 | 28-90mm f/2-3.4 | Check Price |
Leica Digilux 3 | DSLR | 4/3 | 4/3 Mount | Check Price |
Leica D-lux series
Same as the above, an eclectic catch-all Panasonic laden series of cameras. These are more serious compact than the point and shoot c-lux series
Name | Camera Type | Sensor size | Lens Info (35mm eq) | Get it here: |
Leica D-lux | Point and shoot | 1/2.5″ | 35-105 mm 2.8-4.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 2 | Serious compact | 1/1.65″ | 28-112 mm f/2.8-4.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 3 | Serious compact | 1/1.65″ | 28-112mm f/2.8-4.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 4 | Serious compact | 1/1.63” | 24-60mm f/2-2.8 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 5 | Serious compact | 1/1.6.3″ | 24-90mm f/2-3.3 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 6 | Serious compact | 1/1.7″ | 24-90mm f/1.4-2.3 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-Lux (typ 109) | Mirrorless | 4/3 | 24-75mm f/1.7-2.8 | Check on ebay |
Leica D-lux 7 | Mirrorless | 4/3 | 24-75mm f/1.7-2.8 | Check Price |

C-lux series
The C-lux series are Leica point-and shoots
Name | Camera Type | Sensor size | Lens Info (35mm eq) | Get it here: |
Leica C-lux 1 | Point and shoot | 1/2.5″ | 28-102mm f/2.8-5.6 | Check on ebay |
Leica C-lux 2 | Point and shoot | 1/2.5″ | 28-100mm f/2.8-5.6 | Check on ebay |
Leica Leica C-lux 3 | Point and shoot | 1/2.33” | 25–125 mm f/2.8–5.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica C Type 112 | Point and shoot | 1/1.7″ | 28-200mm f2-5/9 | Check on ebay |
Leica C-lux | Pocket superzoom | 1 inch | 24–360mm f/3.3–6.4 | Check Price |
V-lux series:
A series of superzoom cameras that are in the compact format and bridge camera format. These make perfect Wildlife and Travel Leicas.
Name | Camera Type | Sensor size | Lens Info (35mm eq) | Get it here: |
Leica V-lux 20 | Point and shoot | 1/2.33″ | 25-300mm f/3.3-4.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 30 | Point and shoot | 1/2.33″ | 24-384mm f/3.3-5.9 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 40 | Point and shoot | 1/2.33″ | 24-480mm f/3.3-6.4 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux | Pocket superzoom | 1 inch | 24-360mm f/3.3–6.4 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 1 | Bridge superzoom | 1/1.8″ | 35 – 420mm f/2.8-3.7 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 2 | Bridge superzoom | 1/2.33″ | 25-600mm f/2.8-5.2 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 3 | Bridge superzoom | 1/2.3″ | 25-600mm f/2.8-5.2 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 4 | Bridge superzoom | 1/2.33″ | 25-600mm f/2.8-4.5 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux (Typ 114) | Bridge superzoom | 1 inch | 25-400mm f/2.8-4 | Check on ebay |
Leica V-lux 5 | Bridge superzoom | 1 inch | 24-400 f/2.8-4 | Check Price |
Which one to get? The Leica D-lux 7. An amazing all around camera
4. Leica SLRS
While Leica is known for their smaller cameras they also have a line of SLRs.
4.1. Leica SL2

Normally Leica keeps in their rangefinder camera territory. But the L mount cameras are basically Leica’s DSLR and they come with the bulk attached to this type of camera. To be precise these are technically not DSLRs, but DSLR type mirrorless cameras.
What’s special about them is the large lenses, but also the pretty unique rendering. The images pop and look 3D, almost medium format-like. The latest version is the Leica SL2
4.2. Older SL model
The older version of the SL2 is the original SL camera. Prior to that Leica had SLR film cameras.
4.3. Leica R mount cameras

This was Leica’s SLR cameras for decades (We are talking 1960s here, folks) and cumulated in the Leica R9 (film camera) in 2009. The whole series have been discontinued for the modern Leica SL line of DSLR type cameras. The R line was manual, just like the M line.
4.4. Leicaflex

Before the R series was the even older Leicaflex series of SLRs
5. Leica S: The medium format line
This is the last section of our Leica camera models explained article, the S series. This is Leica’s biggest sensor cameras and they are large format, medium format digital cameras with their own lens mount. The latest is the S3, preceded by the S2 and S1.

Leica camera models explained: Conclusion
There you have it, every Leica camera model explained. Leica has a long history spanning almost a century. They have their rangefinders, both Digital and Film, but also a slew of compact cameras and a long line of partnership cameras with Panasonic. Their SL line is well know for their 3D look and their biggest format is the S cameras.